Upcoming Markets
Below are Calendars with all the dates of the upcoming markets I will be attending this Spring:

February Markets:
16th: Milk Mart in Orlando, FL
Time: 12pm - 6pm
Location: 2432 E Robinson St, Orlando
Instagram: @milkmartorlando

March Markets:
8th: Mezzo Market in St. Petersbrug, FL
Time: 11am - 4pm
Location: 1133 Baum Ave N, St. Petersburg
Instagram: @mezzomarket

April Markets:
19th: Mezzo Market in St. Petersbrug, FL
Time: 11am - 4pm
Location: 1133 Baum Ave N, St. Petersburg
Instagram: @mezzomarket

May Markets:
3rd: Auk Market in Gainesville, FL
Time: 12pm - 5pm
Location: 2031 NW 6th Street, Gainesville
Instagram: @auk_market
10th: Mezzo Market in St. Petersburg, FL
Time: 11am - 4pm
Location: 1133 Baum Ave N, St. Petersburg
Instagram: @mezzomarket