
A little bit about Crafting Design...

It truly all started when I gradutated with a Graphic Design degree, in 2019, and I was really tired of looking at a computer screen. While I was job hunting, I thought: "what a perfect time to find something new to do". To not only fill up my time, but give my hands something to do. After discovering punch needle and weaving, I simply fell in love. It reminded me of all the things I was surrounded with growing up: handmade quilts, crocheted afghans, local artists pottery, but this time it was work coming from my hands.

I decided to dive head first in 2020 by opening an Etsy shop and finally starting to do local markets in 2022. When I started sharing my work in person, that's when I started to understand what my work represents to you. The nostalgia for the past, whether it be moments in time, people you care for, or even places you've visited and loved. I always love it when you come into my booth and look at a landscape and say, "this looks just like the home town I grew up in". And it makes sense, I'm inspired by my own childhood, by the vintage and antique pieces that decorated my mother's home, so why wouldn't that be represented or felt through my work?

That's what Crafting Design is, a place to explore the joyful moments of the past while keeping you cozy in the future! I hope you enjoy and come along with me on this cozy, fiber filled journey.

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